The Results Are In: My PATH2FAST 31-Week Beginner’s Challenge

A snail with a rocket engine on its back.

I recently put my revolutionary daily practice plan to the test, learning to play guitar left-handed. As an absolute beginner, in my experiment, I only practiced my Basic Sequential Exercises to isolate and test my methods (I dabbled in picking up the first position ‘money’ chords a few times during my challenge). Read on to […]

What Does Weightlifting Have to do with Speed Guitar?

A snail with a rocket engine on its back.

When I searched the internet for a weightlifting routine, I hit the jackpot with Stronglifts 5 X 5 because the best plan is often the simplest. What good is a complex, killer one-hour workout that is too intimidating to accomplish? I prefer an efficient and straightforward method that excites me. I will get the desired […]

To Video Or Not To Video? That is the Question!

A snail with a rocket engine on its back.

Early adopters of my book and methods are asking for videos of my playing. Your trust in my methods and your investment of valuable practice time are greatly appreciated. The fact that most of you agree that video examples of my simple exercises are unnecessary for intermediate and advanced players is a testament to the […]

We Have to Talk About Pinkies!

Race track with "Method Mods" text.

I have challenged absolute beginners to use my Rehearsals and Exercises method to learn to play guitar. I will complete my 26-week challenge to prove they can (see my DISCLAIMER below). I bought a gently used LEFT-HANDED Jackson Dinky. I have never tried to learn to play guitar left-handed. I am an absolute beginner. I […]

Tips For Absolute Beginners Starting the Path PART 1

A snail with a rocket engine on its back.

Anyone can learn to play the guitar. If you are an ‘absolute beginner,’ someone picking up the guitar, electric or acoustic, for the first time, Parts 1 and 2 of this article series will help you achieve the desired results. Learn how to play guitar with all of these tips. I did not put these […]

Tips For Absolute Beginners Starting the Path PART 2

A snail with a rocket engine on its back.

You can learn how to play guitar. If you are an ‘absolute beginner,’ someone picking up the guitar, electric or acoustic, for the first time, Parts 1 and 2 of this article series will help you achieve the desired results. The best and fastest way to learn to play guitar for an absolute beginner is […]

The Long and Winding Road

Yellow arrow pointing up above "Fast Lane" on asphalt.

The road to writing and sharing my book, Rehearsals and Exercises: A Method for Playing Speed Guitar, was long and winding. Here are major mile markers. Look for more details in future articles in my Road to the Path category. The road to my ‘Rehearsals and Exercises’ methods and tools spans over thirty years. Today, […]

Ten Barriers to Practice and How to Overcome Them

A snail with a rocket engine on its back.

My Rehearsals and Exercises method takes patience and persistence. In these articles, I encourage you to stay committed on your path to fast. Get motivated to practice guitar. Believe it or not, turning off your cell phone is optional with my method. Using the simple practice plan, I teach in my book, Rehearsals and Exercises: […]